• From Teddy on 第5天(2018年11月9日)

    Should we give Mary everything? The analogy by St. Louis de Montfort really explained that to my hardened heart. My reflection is to give them away willingly and humbly. Mary knows every deed that we do.

  • From Mon on 第4天(2018年11月8日)

    感謝天主,我終於可以靜下來,陪伴著聖體(其實是讓主耶穌陪伴我)@St. Bartholomew Church明供聖體。回頭看看這個累透了的星期,一切也充滿著恩寵,因爲依靠著主的大能,一切要應付的事情也順利完成。今晚在主的晚餐彌撒當中,歌詠團唱著我最喜愛的「耶穌聖體,我堅信祢」- 我在反思:我真的相信天主嗎?在日常生活中的大小事情上,我有常常尋求和聆聽天主的旨意嗎?我有每晚靜下來祈禱去想想天主給我的blessings 嗎?

  • From VY on 第4天(2018年11月8日)


  • From Teddy on 第4天(2018年11月8日)

    Today, St Louis de Montfort told us to give ourselves entirely to Jesus through Mary. We will have to appear before God with empty hands, including all the merits and good works we might have done. So, what does it mean?

    • From BC on 第4天(2018年11月8日)

      I have gone through the 33 days consecration before, and you have reminded me the first time when I raised the same question. My suggestion is to hold on your thoughts and question for now. Some things will become clear later on.

  • From BC on 第4天(2018年11月8日)

    The concept of entrusting everything to Mary was once puzzling me as what I have done is too little, so imperfect, so unworthy. Then I understand how Mary can wrap our little unworthy fruits in her golden beautiful plate, and present to the King. This image remains in me deeply, hold me dearly. It is so joyful that I can entrust Mother Mary and give everything to her including my little good works and merits. This knowing of intimacy, exchange her heart with my heart, like my mother touches my baby self, makes me leap of joy. I have to learn how to give up my own will including all my prayer intention, and give my all to her as I know Mother Mary will make them perfect.

  • From Mon on 第3天(2018年11月7日)

    「但是,基督在我們還是罪人的時候,就為我們死了,這證明了天主怎樣愛我們。」(羅馬書5:8)時常犯罪的並不是祂,而是我,但祂就是為了愛我而白白犧牲了自己的生命。我的驕傲、判斷、自私 依然每日在加重祂的十字架。主,求祢賜我恩寵,在這33天裏用虔敬的心從祈禱和聖言中努力學習謙卑和慈悲,讓我在思丶言丶行為上彰顯祢的大能。

  • From VY on 第3天(2018年11月7日)

    今天的福音,仍然提到猶達斯出賣耶穌,而這個邪惡的集團並不只有猶達斯一個人,還有一幫司祭長。面對魔鬼和罪惡,該如何抵抗呢?瑪竇提到我們要面對的兩個世界:一個權力的世界,和一個屬於耶穌的世界。面對魔鬼不斷的挑釁,難怪聖蒙福建議我們應定時更新領洗時的信仰承諾(renew our baptismal vows),並且要誠心,以及將我們完全交給瑪利亞。因為天主早將仇恨放在她與魔鬼的中間,而魔鬼無法忍受她,甚至怕她。聖蒙福給了我們一個實用和有效的方法去抵抗魔鬼和罪惡,就是藉著瑪利亞重新與基督結合。主耶穌,求你派遣聖神來到我的心裡,帶領我,洗滌我,讓我這33日全然奉獻給你。

  • From BC on 第3天(2018年11月7日)

    As St. Paul says, “What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate.” (Roman 7:15). The reflection has mentioned them right, “gossip, pride, anger, hatred, jealousy,..” are parts of me. The more holy I “thought” I am, the more judging thoughts and languages towards my brothers and sisters. Sometimes I feel alienated from God because of these hateful and sinful thoughts, and feeling despaired.

    It is so hopeful when I hear about this 3rd Day that through the consecration to Mary and its prayer, it can attack my sinful root, to reject Satan, and to restore my original identity through my baptismal vow which I can recommit to Jesus every day. I should say that prayer often!

  • From KK on 第2天(2018年11月6日)


  • From VY on 第2天(2018年11月6日)

    要堅持三十三天的默想和祈禱並不容易。不過,無論我準備好與否,正如Gaitley神父在今天的禱文所說:「來吧,活於瑪利亞內的聖神。預備我,好讓我能充分地活出這真實而堅實的奉獻。」(Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Prepare me to give myself fully to living out this true and solid devotion.) 要完完全全地交托和奉獻,除了需要勇氣和毅力,還需要最重要的信德,信任這就是聖神的帶領。而今天的福音,猶達斯和伯多祿都對耶穌失去信心,一個出賣耶穌,一個否認耶穌。究竟我會同樣這樣對待耶穌嗎?主耶穌,求你派遣聖神來到我的心裡,帶領我,洗滌我,讓我這33日全然奉獻給你。