We begin our prayer:In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
V. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please read the following.
Day 1 Reading of Preparation for Total consecration according Saint Louis Marie de Montfort
iPhone/iPad: 《iBreviarium 我靈讚頌主》> 與主密談 > 一起祈禱 > 三十三天祈禱奉獻(3))
Android: 《iBreviarium 我靈讚頌主》> 與主密談 >常用經文 > 三十三天祈禱奉獻 > 第三式
Day 1 Reading of Preparation for Total consecration according Saint Louis Marie de Montfort
iPhone/iPad: 《iBreviarium 我靈讚頌主》> 與主密談 > 一起祈禱 > 三十三天祈禱奉獻(3))
Android: 《iBreviarium 我靈讚頌主》> 與主密談 >常用經文 > 三十三天祈禱奉獻 > 第三式
Day 1 Reading of 《33 Days to Morning Glory》 by Fr. Michael Gaitley.
Day 1 Reading of 《33 Days to Morning Glory》 by Fr. Michael Gaitley.
Please take some time to reflect in silence on what word or words in the reading caught your attention.
After the reading, take some time to reflect on one or more of the following questions:
St. Louis de Montfort had an indomitable passion to serve Jesus through Mary. What is stirring up inside your heart as you begin these 33 days of preparation?
“You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13); please choose one of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11) and share how you would practice it better starting today?
We invite you to share your thoughts/feelings from the daily readings and reflection points.
The 33 days consecretion coincidently begins in the first day of Holy Week. How blest are we to join Mary together into the Passion through the start of the consecration! How wonderful is this to begin our new journey, our new retreat, to step with the great Marian saints towards this big celebration of Fatima!
It is my strong desire to start my Day 1 consecration enter into the Passion. It is my new Start, my new Day, my new Joy. Praise the Lord!
2013年,我對於33日敬禮一竅不通。一年後,我讀著Father Michael Gaitley寫的33 Days to Morning Glory,對33日敬禮開始有些認識。今天,有朋友再次邀請我奉獻33日予聖母,老實說,我對於33日敬禮還是一臉茫然。工作忙碌確實令我沒有心思和精神好好地默想和祈禱。當翻看三年前寫的默禱感受,我才感覺到,也許,我真的需要再用力祈禱多一點。我給耶穌和聖母媽媽的時間確實不夠。當年,我寫道:在第一天敬禮的靈修中,正正就說到聖人聖蒙福(Saint Louis Marie de Montfort),憑著凱爾特人的鬥士精神,藉著聖母瑪利亞之手全然奉獻於耶穌基督。聖蒙福因為完全交托給聖母瑪利亞,從而更容易、簡捷、完善和安穩地與耶穌基督結合。今天,瑪利亞(瑪達肋納)用最珍貴的香液敷抹耶穌的腳,依斯加略猶達斯卻認為賣了得到三百塊錢來得重要。而我,是該學習瑪利亞還是猶達斯呢?主耶穌,求你派遣聖神來到我的心裡,帶領我,洗滌我,就讓我這33日再次全然奉獻給你。
在聖週開始33天的祈禱敬禮真是一個完美的開始。每次拜苦路也提醒我 主耶穌在十字架上將聖母交給了我們,同時也將我們交給了她。在這33天裏,我很希望每天的祈禱把我和聖母和主耶穌的關係更加拉近,教我學習去將自己完全交托給天主。我願意努力去學習放棄自己的意願和期盼,用心去聆聽和服從天主的旨意。Jesus, I trust in You; Mother Mary, I trust in you!