Before the Consecration, I have never thought of a possibility to become a saint. It seems that it is a so far, so ideal, so unreachable goal for me. In fact, this feeling would become one of the obstacle to determine becoming the best version of myself. Until the first time I have started the Marian Consecration 10 years ago, I start to learn that the consecration is one of the fast and easiest way to become a saint. How wonderful, how amazed, how liberate for me to draw into this deep mystery. How can I describe our merciful God has entrust Mary to lead us way to draw to him, step by step, slowly but surely!?
明知道每天的晚禱是十分重要,但在非常忙碌的生活中,我一直不能成功地allocate一個quality time與主傾訴,更何況set一個時間讀聖經、祈禱、默想和分享感受?雖然不是容易,但主說過當我們軟弱的時候,就是要依靠祂去令我們變得堅強。
Dear Jesus,請祢幫助我在這33天裏keep我的commitment – 每天也用心去作奉獻祈禱準備,不要ma ma fu fu, 求求其其,也不要讓我因懶惰和疲累而推遲每天的祈禱。我誠心依靠祢給我的力量去完成這33天敬禮,在5月13日藉著聖母媽媽將自己奉獻給祢,完完全全的交托給祢。Jesus, I trust in You!
要堅持三十三天的默想和祈禱並不容易。不過,無論我準備好與否,正如Gaitley神父在今天的禱文所說:「來吧,活於瑪利亞內的聖神。預備我,好讓我能充分地活出這真實而堅實的奉獻。」(Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Prepare me to give myself fully to living out this true and solid devotion.) 要完完全全地交托和奉獻,除了需要勇氣和毅力,還需要最重要的信德,信任這就是聖神的帶領。而今天的福音,猶達斯和伯多祿都對耶穌失去信心,一個出賣耶穌,一個否認耶穌。究竟我會同樣這樣對待耶穌嗎?主耶穌,求你派遣聖神來到我的心裡,帶領我,洗滌我,讓我這33日全然奉獻給你。
Before the Consecration, I have never thought of a possibility to become a saint. It seems that it is a so far, so ideal, so unreachable goal for me. In fact, this feeling would become one of the obstacle to determine becoming the best version of myself. Until the first time I have started the Marian Consecration 10 years ago, I start to learn that the consecration is one of the fast and easiest way to become a saint. How wonderful, how amazed, how liberate for me to draw into this deep mystery. How can I describe our merciful God has entrust Mary to lead us way to draw to him, step by step, slowly but surely!?
Thanks be to God!
明知道每天的晚禱是十分重要,但在非常忙碌的生活中,我一直不能成功地allocate一個quality time與主傾訴,更何況set一個時間讀聖經、祈禱、默想和分享感受?雖然不是容易,但主說過當我們軟弱的時候,就是要依靠祂去令我們變得堅強。
Dear Jesus,請祢幫助我在這33天裏keep我的commitment – 每天也用心去作奉獻祈禱準備,不要ma ma fu fu, 求求其其,也不要讓我因懶惰和疲累而推遲每天的祈禱。我誠心依靠祢給我的力量去完成這33天敬禮,在5月13日藉著聖母媽媽將自己奉獻給祢,完完全全的交托給祢。Jesus, I trust in You!
要堅持三十三天的默想和祈禱並不容易。不過,無論我準備好與否,正如Gaitley神父在今天的禱文所說:「來吧,活於瑪利亞內的聖神。預備我,好讓我能充分地活出這真實而堅實的奉獻。」(Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Prepare me to give myself fully to living out this true and solid devotion.) 要完完全全地交托和奉獻,除了需要勇氣和毅力,還需要最重要的信德,信任這就是聖神的帶領。而今天的福音,猶達斯和伯多祿都對耶穌失去信心,一個出賣耶穌,一個否認耶穌。究竟我會同樣這樣對待耶穌嗎?主耶穌,求你派遣聖神來到我的心裡,帶領我,洗滌我,讓我這33日全然奉獻給你。