藉着每日的奉獻禱詞和反思訊息,我們歡迎大家於討論區分享感受 。
Should we give Mary everything? The analogy by St. Louis de Montfort really explained that to my hardened heart. My reflection is to give them away willingly and humbly. Mary knows every deed that we do.
Letting go my will and give them to Mary is always my challenge when I first learn it. Not only do I need to retrain my thoughts every time when I have prayer intentions that I give my final say to Mary, but also I would need to let go of my own will even when the will I think has a very good intention.
I finally understand this “change of thought” is not what God needs, but instead it is what I need. What I really need is to let my prayers be union with God, be “theo-drama”, let my will becomes God’s will. Only then, my prayers can fly, raise up high to the sky! Who is better understand God’s desire other than Mary, the Queen of Heaven, at the moment when we start to pray?! Mother Mary is always in best interest to intercede our prayers and transform them to best match to God’s will, to “put my imperfect prayers to the her golden plate and present to the King”.
How great and relieve when I start to learn this reality! Thanks be to God.
My favorite phrase “Let go of your worries hand them over to Mother Mary”. I recall it was almost something impossible to do years ago but yet it was so easy when I just say “Yes” and consecrate myself to the Immaculate Conception. She lift me up from darkness and bring me back joy. Mother Mary remind me that Jesus is just beside me no matter how much burden or suffering we have. Jesus came to this world, endure all the sufferings and was crucified by mankind. All that is to bring us salvation.
Thank you Lord. You never abandon us. I trust in You.
很多時為善會工作,我也以為可以靠自己的能力去完成,但是往往也錯漏百出,甚至乎失敗收場。原來當我以為自己是「得的」- 就是失敗的原因;反而當我明認自己的軟弱和無能,就是天主給予我力量和恩賜的時候。我明白了做事成功的光榮根本一點也不屬於我。願光榮永歸於父、及子、及聖神;起初如何,今日亦然,直到永遠。亞孟。
p.s. 今天在基督苦難禮儀中我們一起頌讀的「除掉他,除掉他,釘他在十字架上!」真的令我十分難過⋯雖然我很不情願把這說出口,但是我的過犯偏偏就是把耶穌釘在十字架上的一份子。在朝拜十字聖木時,慢慢步向十字架的我感到十分之羞愧,我不敢抬頭。慈悲的主,請祢寬恕我的罪過,請祢用從祢肋膀流出的血和水滌淨我。
Sometimes when I read Fr. Gaitley’s book about giving my all to Mary (even though this is not the first time), I would still doubt why giving so much to Mary? But then I am reminded it is God who gave her the role in the salvation plan. It is Jesus who entrusted John as her son, when he was suffering on the cross. Mary was given to us because the road to the cross is too painful for us to walk, even with Jesus as the destination. Mary knows all of our needs and knows who needs our prayers the most. It makes sense for us to give her our prayers, though unworthy, she is what make them worthy in front of the Lord.
其實在聖經裏耶穌常常提醒我們要像小朋友才能進入天國,其實要明白點解將我哋全部交比聖母,就從小朋友嘅角度睇啦! 作過比喻,就好似係我哋細個嗰時攞到啲利是錢都會全部交俾阿媽,每次阿媽買完一啲嘢比我時,就會話係你利是錢度扣啦!而阿媽都知什麼適合或不適合買比我,回想我諗阿媽咁多年嘅總付出比我的利是錢還要多! 就是這個推論,奉獻自己所有給聖母媽媽係有優勢的!
A very cute analogy! It’s true!!!
thumbs up!